Strategic Plan
Equitas Academies Trust currently comprises two schools. Our Trust Board has to maintain stability while there is a fast changing educational landscape. We have strategic aspirations for modest growth as a Trust based around:
• A caring ethos – schools will be attracted to join our Trust through shared values;
• A blended approach to school improvement and school to school support, with earned autonomy. There will be an individualised approach to targeted interventions, devised collaboratively and trust-wide improvement strategies.
• We will define clearly the non-negotiables, the specialisms we will offer to schools in the Trust.
• There will be a shared pedagogical approach, with teacher toolkits and expectations for learning will be set high. Our curriculum will develop, responding to a changing world.
• Development will be shared, with combined training days and staff professional development programmes for all.
• The mental health and general well-being of our students and staff will be a priority. We aim to develop and maintain exceptional teachers to help exceptional leaders. We are a caring Trust.