Our Team
Equitas Academies Trust has an extremely strong, passionate and experienced team working together daily to provide the very best education and environment for our students.
We’re fortunate that the Trust Leadership Team is made up of education professionals with many years service at Aston Manor Academy and in other education settings, complimented with fresh education talent and external professional knowledge from the business and finance world. This gives us a great combination of skills, knowledge and experience, where professionals challenge each other, to deliver the best outcomes for all our students.
The Leadership Team meets weekly to discuss matters concerning the Trust and schools. They have a great rapport with our Trustees, who support the team to use all resources as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The Equitas Leadership Team recognises that our most valuable assets are the people we work with – our classroom practitioners, staff who support students and those who work hard to ensure the operational side of the schools (facilities, catering, cleaning and administration) all works harmoniously for the benefit of our students, pupils and parents.
The Leadership Team is wholly committed to the ethos and values of our Trust and work hard to ensure that every student can see examples daily of how Equitas is “All Different, All Equal, All Achieving”.
Our People

Mrs Jill Sweeney
Aston Manor Academy Head Teacher

Ms Alex Lofthouse
Chief Executive Officer (Accounting Officer)

Mrs Nanette Wragg
Chilwell Croft Academy Head Teacher

Miss Donna Lewis
Chief Financial Officer
Our Trustees

Mr Michael Bartley

Mr Herville Hector

Mr Simon Harris
Trustee – Vice Chair of Board SEND Link Governor

Mrs Jane Gotschel
Chair of the Trust – Link Governor and Safeguarding LAC

Ms Sharron Ledgister

Dr Nicola Smith
Trustee Chair of Raising Standards / Link Governor for Pupil Premium

Mr Steve Hughes
Trustee Chair of F & PG