Contact Details
Equitas Academies Trust
Equitas Academies Trust is based our of Aston Manor Academy. If you have any queries please contact Alex Lofthouse at the following email address: info@equitasacademiestrust.com .
If you require a paper copy of any of the information and/ or policies located on this website please contact Alex Lofthouse at the following email address: info@equitasacademiestrust.com . These will be provided free of charge.
Equitas Academies Trust,
Aston Manor Academy,
Phillips Street,
B6 4PZ
Tel: 0121 359 8108
Email: info@equitasacademiestrust.com
Company Number: 07662289
Registered in England and Wales
Chilwell Croft Academy
Chilwell Croft Academy,
Chilwell Croft,
B19 2QH
Tel: 0121 464 3402
Email: enquiry@chilwellcroftacademy.com
Aston Manor Academy
Aston Manor Academy,
Phillips Street,
B6 4PZ
Tel: 0121 359 8108
Email: enquiry@astonmanoracademy.com