About Safeguarding
At Equitas Academies Trust, pupils’ wellbeing is paramount and is at the heart of what we do.
Across the trust, we have a large body of staff who are equipped to support staff and students with their wellbeing. Pupils are made to feel safe and know that their problems and worries will be heard and dealt with.
Both our schools are committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care. Our schools support all pupils by:
- Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment.
- Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness.
- Effectively tackling bullying and harassment.
- Encouraging open communication between pupils, parents and staff.
At Equitas, we provide outstanding provisions for all our staff and pupils. Pupils are made aware by their pastoral staff the opportunities that they have available for them to discuss any worries or problems that they have. We also have available, a team of educational psychologists to provide counselling and wellbeing services on hand to support our staff and pupils across our schools should they require it.
Safeguarding Team
Across the trust, we have a large pool of staff who have a focus on safeguarding.

Mrs Jill Sweeney
Aston Manor Academy Head Teacher

Mr Daniel Preston
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Ms Ruksana Fazil
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Ms Eve Chappell
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Ms Andrea Welter
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Ms Alex Lofthouse
Chief Executive Officer (Accounting Officer)

Mrs Nanette Wragg
Chilwell Croft Academy Head Teacher

Mrs Jane Gotschel
Chair of the Trust – Link Governor and Safeguarding LAC

Miss Pippa Jones
Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mr James Forbes
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Mrs Harjinder Kaur
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person

Mrs Shagufta Hussain
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person
If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person telephone the
Children Advise and Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or e-mail secure.cass@birmingham.gcsx.gov.uk
Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team
Internal Safeguarding Contacts
Aston Manor Academy
Pippa Jones – pjones@astonmanoracademy.com
Chilwell Croft Academy
Ruksana Fazil – rfazil@chilwellcroftacademy.com